Fairness Creams

Today, everyone wants to look beautiful, and most of us think one should have a fair complexion and be beautiful. This is the reason that fairness creams are getting in great in demand.

Fairness creams are skincare products that provide additional sun- protection and brighten your skin over time. Contrary to popular belief, fairness creams don’t make your skin fair. Still, they help brighten your skin, reducing and preventing tan and helping you achieve your original and natural skin colour.

Many factors decide our skin tone. Our natural complexion depends on the environment and temperature, our body health, genes from genetics, sun exposure to chemicals, diet, and living style. The more we are alert about the complexion, best care and knowledge we can care.

The natural skin colour is decided by the colour-making pigments melanin, produced by melanocytes. These cells play a major role in defining or give colour to the skin. The people having more melanin production will be darker in colour, and those with less melanin will be of fair complexion.

Now, it will be clear how we get the skin tone. But with proper care, diet, exercise, and a few skincare tips, one can attain a glowing complexion that attracts all. To attain a healthy, attractive colour, one must follow the basic simple routine for a healthy mind& body.  www.jophielbeautystore.com


  1. Have a healthy diet:

Our skin is what we eat. Make sure to add lots of vegetables, fruits, and low-calorie dairy products. Avoid deep-fried, spicy, tin-packed, processed, and street food that makes skin dull and unhealthy.

  1. Drink plenty of water:

Nothing works like water in keeping skin healthy and fair. A minimum of 12-13 glasses of water a day keeps your body hydrated and toxins-free, which are the main requirement for naturally glowing skin.

  1. Use Sunscreen

All of us understand the ill effects of UVA AND UVB rays. These ultraviolet rays absorb the water, and the skin becomes dry and get so many skin problems. It is advised to keep the body hydrated, especially in summer, and use sunscreen to avoid tanning, blemishes, freckles, and other skin problems.

  1. Have a sound sleep for best skin health:

Make sure to have a sound sleep for at least 8 hours to avoid breakouts, dark circles, and dull and dark complexion. Thus, night sleep is one of the essential point to be taken regularly as our skin gets to rest and can rejuvenate easily.

  1. Have regular detox

A healthy morning schedule is important to maintain clear and bright skin. Have a glass of lukewarm water added with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, and see the wonderful results in cleansing the bloodstream and helping to remove toxins from the body.

  1. Select or use cosmetics as per your skin demand for the best results:

Know the skin type as we have told you, and use products accordingly. Use the face wash, creams, and serums per your skin type.

  1. Use night products as per the skin demand:

As per the skin, check the night products which will help to attain the best and glowing skin.

  1. Light exercise or warm-up exercise to improve blood circulation

Besides, always follow the best skin care regimen regularly to get a permanent fair, brighter complexion.


  1. Lighten spots:

Fairness creams are enriched with many skin-brightening ingredients that help even out your complexion by reducing the appearance of dark spots, pigmentation, and textured skin. The active ingredients in fairness creams helpminimize skin damage and make your skin look brighter, clearer, and more glowing.

  1. Provides additional sun protection:

Another hidden advantage of using fairness creams is the extra sun protection that these products provide. This is because many fairness creams are made using SPF and other ingredients that provide additional sun protection. When used with a broad-spectrum sunscreen, fairness creams provide an extra layer of protection and prevent problems like sunspots and tanning.

  1. Prevent oxidative damage:

Oxidative damage is a major cause of dull, sallow, and lifeless-looking skin. For those who don’t know, many free radicals are known as oxidants that stress your skin out and lead to problems such as premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and dryness. This is the main reason why your skin looks dull and damaged. Regularly using a fairness cream and other products in your skincare routine restricts oxidative damage to a great extent and, in turn, makes your skin appear fresher and clearer.

4.. Slows down aging:

Free radicals, sun damage, stress, and pollution cause severe sun damage and lead to the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Additionally, an unhealthy lifestyle, eating habits, and even using the wrong skincare products cause additional stress and damage, increasing the signs of aging. But this is exactly where using a fairness cream along with sunscreen helps in slowing down aging.

  1. Delivers glowing skin:

Living in the city and constantly exposing our skin to external aggressors can zap your skin of moisture and leave it super dull and lifeless. This problem can be easily targeted by incorporating a fairness cream into your beauty routine. Most fairness creams are enriched with ingredients that prevent dryness, eliminate imperfections, and deliver an unbelievable glow. These creams make a protective layer on the skin to protect.


There are two types of Fairness creams:

  1. Strong and synthetic base creams:

In these creams, bleaching hydroquinone and other metals like mercury and\ lead are used, which are very harmful to the skin. These creams can make your face hairy as a side effect. Here we are not teaching these synthetic fairness creams.

  1. Natural/Pure ingredient based:

These natural fairness creams are of three types:

  1. Low-budget natural fairness cream:

These are made at low cost by adding low-cost fairness extracts, hydrosol, and whitening aroma oils. The lemon fairness cream base in this PDF is in the same category.

  1. Medium budget natural fairness cream:

These are made while using natural herbal ingredients like hydrosol, extracts, hyaluronic acid, and kojic de palmitate. Here, FRUIT fairness cream base is of the same category.

  1. Premium type result-oriented fairness cream:

When expansive ingredients like Kojic depalmitate, arbutin, Vitamin C, Multivitamin, glutathione , and hyaluronic Acid are used to make effective creams, the Kojic fairness cream base is in the same category.

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